Tuesday, January 31, 2006


The following asked question on leadership is a summary of an interview with the South American magazine "Humas". Thanks of Robert Bernardo Programme Specialist at UNDP Regional office, Thailand to share these thoughts on leadership with Asian young leader's group that I am member of it.

What is the shape of the "perfect" leader and does he or she exist?
To paraphrase W. Somerset Maugham, "There are three rules for creating good leaders. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are." There is no perfect leader that is why good leaders are always trying to improve themselves through self-study, training, education, mentor-ship, making mistakes and then learning from them, etc. Since there are no perfect leaders, it is hard to build a good leadership model, that is why there are hundreds of them. But, we can be sure of a few things that good leaders posses: A vision of the future (where are we going), the ability to encourage followers to jump into that experience (work through the many changes that are required to achieve that vision), a love of self-improvement for themselves and their followers. This love makes them good coaches and mentors, the ability to encourage followers to jump into that experience (work through the many changes that are required to achieve that vision), empowering their followers to get things done (delegation).

Does a leader need to be motivated? How can leaders maintain themselves to stay motivated?
Motivation comes in two forms: extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic motivators come from the outside. Intrinsic motivators come from within. Good leaders set and achieve goals that allow them to get a healthy balance of both motivators.

Does every manager need to be a leader?
All good managers are leaders to various degrees. They need to carry out their leaders’ visions by creating their own visions that support the larger vision, and then getting their workers to accomplish the vision. For example, Howard Schultz, of Starbucks Coffee Company, had a vision of 2000 stores by the year 2000. This vision became one of the driving forces behind the company’s success.

Did Howard Schultz build those 2000 stores himself?

No way! Schultz’s vision was achieved by managers and supervisors throughout the organization who had smaller scale visions that directly supported his 2000 by 2000 vision. They got these visions accomplished by delegating the means and authority to their subordinates. These managers and supervisors also supported their employees by giving them the means and opportunity to grow by coaching and mentoring; and providing training, development, and education opportunities.

What is the relationship between leaders and followers?
I see leaders as change agents who guide their followers onto new heights, while along the way, they develop and grow their followers. A leader’s two driving goals should be make the organization a success and that if the leader should leave, then she has enough trained and developed people to fulfill her shoes.

Is there any trend that could be called "the new leader"?

As we have gotten a better understanding of human behaviors over the last hundred years or so, leaders have moved along the "leadership continuum" by going from Douglas McGreagor’s Theory X to Theory Y. We are still a long way to Theory Y, but we have tipped the scale to its favor. Some authors say leaders must divide their time in three parts: one for handling finances, another for quality, and a third for relationships. What do you think about?
Leaders have two "leadership continuum" scales that they must follow. Earlier, I talked about the people scale, and how we have been moving from Douglas McGreagor’s Theory X to Theory Y. This continuum can be seen as the vertical axis (concern for people) in Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid. The other axis is the "concern for task" and it is plotted along the horizontal axis. By focusing on the far end of the scales or continuums and developing goals to achieve the 9s, a leader can create her visions. And then by developing great people (people scale) and giving them the means to accomplish your vision (task scale), you have ensured that the necessary ingredients are there for organization success.

What’s the worst fault a leader can have?
A failure to see the benefits of diversity. This creates "like-people" throughout the organizations and leads to one-way thinking. If you do not have a diverse team, then you cannot come up with the creative brainstorming solutions to stay competitive. Also, you alienate your customers and consumers who can be quite diverse.

Saturday, January 21, 2006


زمین در سوگِ آفتاب
می گرید آرام، آرام
سرد است
سرد بسانِ لبخند خشک زمستان
به تنِ یخزده گنجشک های غریب

ظلمت شب را بی رونق کرد
دیگر کسی با شب واژه ها را صدا نمی زند
شاعران عزادار شعرهای بی آغازند

زنجیرها، آواز سرداده اند
زنجیرها منتظرند

مادر بزرگ در افسانه های خوش باور هزار و یک شب
آنقدر جتسجو کرد قصه غربت خود را
که تداعی جنون شد در ذهن طاعون زده مردم
پدربزرگ بیچاره من در آرزوی یک درخت خشک شد
پدرم سکوت را در چارراه بودن خویش جا گذاشت و
فریاد زد؛ مستید مردم یا تزویر می کنید
احساس را بگویید تا درد را بیاببد
لیک شاید پدر بود که سنگینی زنجیرها را با درد آمیخت
اما مادرم با چشمان غمزده پاییزی
بیهوده با خود، شاید هم با من می خواند هر غروب
خورشید را به بیگاری نبرده اند؟

و من همدم شبهای بی ستاره انتظار
تن سپرده ام تا تو بیایی

باید بیایی
اینجا همه غریبه اند، همه تنها
همه بی درد، همه همدرد
همه خود را به خاک سپرده اند
همه اسمشان را به باد سپرده اند
همه دلشان، بهانه پول و سکه می گیرد

حقیقت دیروز مرد
من هیچ غریبه ای را ندیدم
بر سر مزار او، اشک بریزد
حقیقت چند غروبی می شد
که از تنهایی گریه می کرد

منبع عکس: خودم

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Vote No To CNN

Regardless, legitimacy of nuclear activities for Iran, I am wondering how Western's mass media can introduce such negative initiative like gathering votes for banning Iran from soccer's 2006 World Cup because of its nuclear activities. This initiative is putting Iranian nation instead of Iranian government in heart of the picture.
I believe meida should build trust and peace among different nations apart from their States course of action. However, many of Western mass media are publishing fear, annoyance and aggression among the nations.
Recently CNN has started an election with the following subject:Should Iran be banned from soccer's 2006 World Cup over its nuclear activities?

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


دوباره هوس نوشتن به سرم زده .هیچ چیز به اندازه نوشتن نمی تونه آرومم کنه. احساس می کنم تصویر روشنی از آینده ای دارم که سرشار از خلاقیت است. احساس خوبی نسبت به خودم دارم. این احساس یک شکل مدرن از چیزی است به اسم "من " که در فرهنگ ما همیشه نکوهش شده. تمجید چیزی به اسم من و تلاش برای پاسداری از همه چیزهایی که در من است. به شدت به اینکه جام جم در درون من است نه دنیای اطرافم اعتقاد دارم. مطمئن هستم آدمها اگه بخواهند می توانند از یک زاویه کوچک دنیا رو کشف کنند اما متاسفانه خیلی از آنها حتی از پنجره های بزرگ و بلورین هم نمی توانند حتی زیبایی کوچکی از دنیا رو احساس کنند. اما من این من را دوست دارم. مگه چیزی بعد از خدا از من به من نزدیک تر هم است. همه چیز تو همین من است. به قول حافظ عزیز سالها دل طلب جام جم از ما می کرد..آنچه خود داشت ز بیگانه تمنا می کرد

Saturday, January 14, 2006


When I was reading "Jeff Buder" article about Iran, I thought again about concept of "others". I have been thinking about how distance between "they" and "us" can be decreased. I was thinking that this gap is arising from geographical point of view since they are from West and we are from East, as we are Asian as 60 percentage of world population with different culture, religion, history and custom, as our civilization has different foundation with their civilization. However, the question here is why we are "others" and they are not.

Afterward, concept of "global citizenship" facilitated for me to understand that we are strangers not because we are Asian but for the reason that we are just unfamiliar for them. I found out that even for Asian "Muslims" are "others" and for Muslims "Iranians" are "others" as well. I experienced difficult obstacles to integrate with the society they wanted me to be a stranger.

I felt that they want to point me as " strange Muslim" although freedom of religion strains that its my right to have my personal way to approach God. I have been asked several times by them:
- Sorry, may we have a personal question?
- ?!!?
- Are you a Muslim?
Sadly, I haven’t been so brave as they are to tell them that I don’t want to respond their question not because I was not proud of my religion but because I did not want to be pointed as "other". I haven’t been as much as they are individualistic so I thought I should respond them in an interactive way; "I prefer to be pointed as a believer, as a person who respects all of religions and then a Muslim…" And this respond always has made a more interesting creature from me for my own community and others.
Now, I am asking you: have you ever thought that you are a stranger? Have you ever seen yourself as other? If not yet just think about young generation of Iranians. Believe me or not they do not want to be "others".

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

تعادل روحی

شبی که تهران برفی بود، در یکی از رستورانهای شهر، من و دوستانم قصه های همیشگی را با هم تقسیم می کردیم تا اینکه مینا رو به من کرد و گفت که جناب آقای خواستگارش به هیچ وجه حاضر نیست حق طلاق به او بدهد. چند هفته پیش از من به جبر اینکه حقوق می دانم در مورد حق طلاق پرسیده بود و مفصل توضیح داده بودم که به موجب قانون مدنی ایران مرد هر وقت بخواهد می تواند زن خود را طلاق دهد و تنها راه حل پیش بینی حق مساوی برای زن حق طلاق است که زن می تواند به عنوان شرط ضمن عقد از مرد بخواهد. البته به او اطمینان دادم که حق طلاق به این معنا نیست که زن بتواند در دفتر ازدواج و طلاق خود را مطلقه کند بلکه باید به دادگاه مراجعه کند، دادگاه قطعا مرد را دعوت می کند و رویه قانونی خود را آنچنان که در مورد پرونده های طلاق است، طی می کند. به او گفتم که حق طلاق به معنای به رسمیت شناختن صلاحیت وی برای تصمیم گیری سرنوشت زندگی مشترک است. در آن شب برفی از او پرسیدم چرا جناب آقای خواستگارش که به تعبیر مینا از جمله جوانان تحصیلکرده و روشنفکر این مملکت به شمار می رود باید با دادن حق قانونی به همسر آینده اش مخالفت کند. آن هم زنی که نه ریالی مهریه طلب کرده است ، نه اصلا در فکر عروسی آنچنانی است ، نه جواهر دوست دارد،.... و قرار است پا به پای آقای عزیز قصه ما زندگی مشترک را بسازد. مینا با لبخندی که من هنوز معنای آن را درک نکردم، پاسخ داد : " گفته اگه سرش هم بره حق طلاق نمی ده چون زنها تعادل روحی ندارن" این جمله را بارها شنیده بودم حتی از خود زنها... زنهایی که هیچوقت به خود و همجنسانشان اعتماد نکرده اند. این جمله اکنون از زبان مردی باصطلاح روشنفکر به زنی گفته می شود که درصدد تاسیس حقوق و تکالیف مساوی با همسر آینده اش است . یادم است که مینا خندید و گفت خوب زنها مخصوصا زمانی که عادت ماهانه هستند تعادل روحی ندارند. دلم می خواست به مینا بگویم که اصلا چرا این آقا می خواهد با موجودی که تعادل روحی ندارد ازدواج کند. اما سکوت کردم چون متاسفانه مینا مثل هزاران دختر جوان ایرانی دیگر می پذیرد که مرد می تواند حق او را ندهد چون حتما از سر خیر خواهی می خواهد زندگی مشترک را با موجودی که تعادل روحی ندارد، حفظ کند. اجازه بدهید کوتاه از حق و تکلیف بنویسم. اینکه در برابر هر حقی لاجرم تکلیفی وجود دارد. صاحب تکلیف ملزم است حق و صاحب حق را پاس بدارد. به خاطر همین حق ادعا می شود و نه التماس. کوتاه سخن اینکه حق اصلا دادنی نیست.حق اعطایی نیست که مردها از سر منت به زنان اعطاء کنند. همه جای دنیا قوانین از حقوق افراد چه زن و چه مرد حمایت می کند. اصلا قوانین برای این به وجود آمده اند که حقوق و تکالیف در سطح افراد به دلیل روابط حاکم انکار یا تضییع نشود. در این مملکت متاسفانه برای بهره مندی از حقوق مسلم یا باید منت کشید یا به هزار راه نرفته متوسل شد . حالا فرق نمی کند که صاحب تکلیف مرد باشد در برابر زن، زن باشد در برابر شوهر، پدر و مادر باشند در برابر کودکان یا دولت باشد در برابر شهروندان

Saturday, January 07, 2006

I'm Not Terrorist

In Phnom Pen airport, Cambodia, My friend and I are waiting to get permission, although as said by Cambodian regulation, there is no visa requirement to enter the country.

We are here to participate in the first ever Asian South Eastern conference on clinical legal education. In our invitation letters are written professors although we are not professors but even these invitation letters from conference organizers can not be helpful since officers are coming and looking at us like criminals.

"Lada" is a young student with kind face who is here to pick up us from the airport. I am asking him to tell us why emigrant's officers are not allowing us to enter the country with regard to this fact that one of the best Cambodian universities has guaranteed us. He is smiling at me: You know Sahar, there are saying that no one can guarantee Iranians because … He is not comfortable to tell me what he is hearing from them. I am requesting him to continue. "They are saying no one can guarantee you as Iranians because you are terrorists."

I am feeling annoyed for whole day. I am thinking about more than 60 millions Iranians who wish for connecting the world and other nations in peace and friendship. Who cares really about radicals with hostile intentions against some countries seeing as they are a weak minority in my country?

I am feeling angry because of the fear that Western mass media are producing against Muslim countries. I am feeling angry of Bush administration to establish Islam phobia, Middle- East phobia, Afghanistan phobia, Iraq phobia, Iran phobia …I am feeling angry of terrorists who are using religion to legitimize their action against humanity......and simply I am feeling angry because I am not terrorist.

Monday, January 02, 2006


در ازدحام سرها و اندیشه ها
در انبوه باید ها و نباید ها
در هجوم ایسم های دست و پا گیر دلخراش
در احتضاری که حقیقت از تنهایی گریه می کند و
آدمها عاجز از فهمیدن، واقعیت را نشخوار می کنند
من در ابتذال زنده بودن ، زندگی را می جویم
زندگی همان حس غریبی است که
مهاجری چون مرا تا مرز آشنایی پیش می برد

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Greetings from Iran

Let me use my web log to send greetings from Iran to all of my friends who are celebrating New Year 2006. Let me wish the moments full of joy, happiness, friendship, health and love for all.

Let me use this opportunity and wish for people who I know and who I don’t know deep happiness which is arising from living in a world where there is no ignorance, poverty, war, discrimination and hunger.

I would like also to wish my dearest friends in Right-Thinkers to think always consistent with justice and truth, to my valuable friends in Young -Leaders to lead their own communities compatible with participatory development, to my active friends in Minciu Sodas to keep thinking openly as usual, to my interactive friends in OmidYar Network to be success in encouraging private sector to consider more social responsibility, to my nice friends in STS Sustainable Development Group by Sidney Clouston to have wonderful initiatives to improve idea of sustainable world for all , to my pleasant friends in Polities Group to have competent contribution in building active emigrants for Europe, and to all of dear friends who I know and I don’t know a brilliant year , year 2006.