Thursday, April 14, 2005

Iran, Facts and Schemas II

First Declaration of Human Rights

Cyrus the Great of Persia completed his conquest of the Chaldaean empire of Babylonia in 538 BC. In the Cyrus declaration there are human rights concepts such as of freedom of religion and right of minority ?The original Cylinder is housed at the British Museum. A replica has a place of honor at the United Nations Building in New York City. Some parts of the declaration are as fellow: Cyrus claimed to have the approval of the Babylonian gods Bel (also known as Marduk). He did not try and impose his Persian god(s) on the Babylonians. "Marduk, the great God, caused the big-hearted inhabitants of Babylon I sought daily to worship him." Cyrus, the recent conqueror of Babylonia, honored and worshipped Marduk who as city god of Babylon was king of the gods of Babylonia."I did not allow any to terrorize the land of Sumer and Akkad. I kept in view the needs of Babylon and all its sanctuaries to promote their well being. The citizens of Babylon... I lifted their unbecoming yoke. Their dilapidated dwellings I restored. I put an end to their misfortunes." Cyrus did not allow his army to plunder and loot the newly conquered country. He promoted the welfare of his new Babylonian subjects and supported their religious temples (sanctuaries)."From ... to the cities of Ashur and Susa, Agade, Eshnuna, the cities of Zamban, Meurnu, Der, as far as the region of the land of Gutium, the holy cities beyond the Tigris whose sanctuaries had been in ruins over a long period, the Gods whose abode is in the midst of them. I returned to the places and housed them in lasting abodes ... The Gods of Sumer and Akkad whom Nabonidus had, to the anger of the Lord of the Gods, brought into Babylon, I at the bidding of Marduk, the great Lord, made to dwell in peace in their habitations, delightful abodes." During their conquests the Babylonians had destroyed the temples of people whom they defeated and had brought the idols (gods) to Babylon. Cyrus restored these ruined temples and returned the idols to them. "I gathered together all their inhabitants and restored to them their dwellings." The Babylonians had enslaved many conquered peoples. Cyrus freed them, sent them home and helped them to rebuild. In 537 BC he allowed more than 40,000 Jews to leave Babylon and return to Palestine."1


Persian carpets are Iran's most famous cultural export, dating back to the 5th century BC. Persian poetry goes back to the 9th century AD which are strong part of cultural treasury today. Persian painting dates back to thousands years ago. Iranian miniatures ,fine and small drawings ,came to life in 1285 A.D. Some of the other Iranian arts include Calligraphy, Engraving, Metal Work, Pottery. Recently, Iranian films have been remarkably successful. According foods, Iranian cuisine is very good. It's heavily based on rice, bread, fresh vegetables, herbs and fruit. Meat, usually lamb or mutton minced or cut into small chunks, is used to add flavor but is rarely the dominant ingredient, except in kebabs. The national drink of Iran is black tea.

In harmony with the rebirth of nature, the Iranian New Year Celebration, or NOROOZ, always begins on the first day of spring. NOROOZ ceremony is symbol of two ancient concepts Good and Evil.

1- Please see ;On October 4th, 539 BC, the Persian Army entered the city of Babylon, which was then the capital of the Babylonian state (in central Iraq). This was a bloodless campaign and no prisoners were taken. Later, on November 9th, King Cyrus of Persia visited the city. For more information please see:<>


At Monday, October 24, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very informative and intresting too!

At Monday, October 24, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very informative and interesting too! I like it. Sahar! It's great!


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